We Were Liars

We Were Liars – E. Lockhart

[:it]Il 15 maggio qui in Regno Unito è uscito We Were Liars, ultimo romanzo di E. Lockhart per cui è stata portata avanti una campagna marketing azzeccatissima che mi ha portata (nonostante io cerchi sempre di non farmi convincere da queste cose) a fiondarmi in libreria il giorno stesso dell’uscita del libro. Ovviamente, oltre a 26 kg di valigia mi sono portata dietro anche la iella, e quindi niente, su due librerie dove sono andata non c’era il libro. Questo mi ha impedito di leggermi tutti i tweet in diretta del #liarsliveread del 17 maggio, ma non mi ha impedito di divorare questo libro.


Ora, io non sono una fan degli YA, tanto che manco sapevo chi fosse la signora Lockhart – per chi non lo sapesse è lo pseudonimo di Emily Jenkins e ha scritto, fra le altre cose, anche una quadrilogia molto nota all’estero che non sembra male. Ma sto divagando. La cosa migliore per apprezzare questo romanzo è buttarcisi dentro senza sapere nulla della trama. Vi basti sapere che, come suggerisce il titolo, si ha a che fare con bugie, con famiglie ricche, con la loro isola privata, con dispute fra sorelle (e c’è pure una mappa nel libro eh).
Guardate questi due video per avere un’idea di come vi farà sentire leggere il romanzo (il video di Rosianna mi ha fatto morire dalle risate e anche un po’ di paura). Non ho idea se questo libro verrà tradotto in italiano, ma immagino che visto il successo che sta avendo qualche editore se lo accaparrerà.

Recensione di Sanne

Recensione di Rosianna

We are liars
We are beautiful and privileged
We are cracked and broken
A tale of love and romance
A tale of tragedy
Which are lies?
Which is truth?
You decide

We Were Liars
E. Lockhart
Hot Key Books

Usually I try not to give in to good marketing, but this time around Hot Key Books managed to make me rush to the nearest Waterstone’s to get this book on its release date: May 15th. Of course I must have brought my bad luck with me (beside a 26-kg luggage) when I arrived in London, because the two (TWO) Waterstone’s I went to didn’t have We Were Liars on its release date. Just my luck. This meant I was not able to take part actively in the #liarsliveread Twitter thing, because I had just bought the book, but I can always go back to the feed and read all the spoilers now!
Given that I’d like to give you the same reading experience I had, I strongly recommend these two videos as a starting point. Sanne and Rosianna really did a good job and Rosianna in particular made me laugh and at the same time scared me a little.

Sanne’s review

Rosianna’s review

As you can guess from the title, We Were Liars is a story based on lies, on rich familes and their private island, of disputes among sisters, of everything and nothing. It is a YA, a genre I’m not particularly drawn to generally, but in this case I am utterly convinced that anyone could enjoy this book, as it is thrilling and exciting, wonderfully written and, last but not least, it has a map inside (and I love maps). I know I didn’t tell you anything about the plot or the characters, but I do think in this case the best way to appreciate the story is to plunge right into it with as little knowledge as possible.
We are liars
We are beautiful and privileged
We are cracked and broken
A tale of love and romance
A tale of tragedy
Which are lies?
Which is truth?
You decide

As I said I don’t usually read YA novels, so I didn’t know who E. Lockhart was, but apparently I was missing out a lot! First of all, E. Lockhart is the pen name of Emily Jenkins, who also wrote other YA books such as the Ruby Oliver novels (a series of 4 books), which sound pretty interesting too, and second, she is on a lot of social networks, which I think is very cool, as it gives readers the possibility of “knowing” the writers better.

We Were Liars
E. Lockhart
Hot Key Books
£7.99[:en]Usually I try not to give in to good marketing, but this time around Hot Key Books managed to make me rush to the nearest Waterstone’s to get this book on its release date: May 15th. Of course I must have brought my bad luck with me (beside a 26-kg luggage) when I arrived in London, because the two (TWO) Waterstone’s I went to didn’t have We Were Liars on its release date. Just my luck. This meant I was not able to take part actively in the #liarsliveread Twitter thing, because I had just bought the book, but I can always go back to the feed and read all the spoilers now!

Given that I’d like to give you the same reading experience I had, I strongly recommend these two videos as a starting point. Sanne and Rosianna really did a good job and Rosianna in particular made me laugh and at the same time scared me a little.

As you can guess from the title, We Were Liars is a story based on lies, on rich familes and their private island, of disputes among sisters, of everything and nothing. It is a YA, a genre I’m not particularly drawn to generally, but in this case I am utterly convinced that anyone could enjoy this book, as it is thrilling and exciting, wonderfully written and, last but not least, it has a map inside (and I love maps). I know I didn’t tell you anything about the plot or the characters, but I do think in this case the best way to appreciate the story is to plunge right into it with as little knowledge as possible.

We are liars

We are beautiful and privileged

We are cracked and broken

A tale of love and romance

A tale of tragedy

Which are lies?

Which is truth?

You decide

As I said I don’t usually read YA novels, so I didn’t know who E. Lockhart was, but apparently I was missing out a lot! First of all, E. Lockhart is the pen name of Emily Jenkins, who also wrote other YA books such as the Ruby Oliver novels (a series of 4 books), which sound pretty interesting too, and second, she is on a lot of social networks, which I think is very cool, as it gives readers the possibility of “knowing” the writer better.


We Were Liar


Hot Key Books


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